The CoreTalent Assessment is a personal analysis,
with which we map the DNA of a someone’s personality.
This assessment is 100% customized
and completely individual.
During the CoreTalent Assessment we go
back together to the source: your childhood.
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Assessment procedure
- Intake by one or our certified CoreTalent Analysts. This can take place by telephone or Skype or in a personal meeting. In this intake we’ll discuss your specific questions.
- Preparation for the interview by online questionnaire.
- CoreTalent Assessment by one or our certified CoreTalent Analysts. This can take place in a personal meeting or online with a camera. The assessment takes between 2 ½ and 3 hours. At the end of this assessment you have already gotten the first brief feedback of the results.
- Optional in-depth interview immediately after the assessment. Focus of this in-depth interview your personal and professional life until present day.
- Comprehensive report with the outcome of the CoreTalent Assessment.
- First feedback session by telephone: Explanation of the content of the report.
- Second feedback session by telephone: Answering client’s questions.
The report
Our comprehensive report consists of:
- A total overview of all CoreTalents with an indication per KernTalent how much you want to use this.
- A total overview of all your strong CoreTalents in descending order.
- Per CoreTalent a description so that it is clear to you what this means for you.
- Your personal Core Talent combinations in 15 different areas. Amongst other areas are:
- Your CoreTalents related to creativity
- Your CoreTalents related to problem solving
- Your CoreTalents related to structure and organization
- Your social CoreTalents in groups and teams
- Your CoreTalents related to competitiveness, perseverance and winning
- Your CoreTalents related to autonomy and intrepreneurship
- Your CoreTalents related to management, entrepreneurship and leadership
- Your rational CoreTalents: strategy and tactics
- Your CoreTalents related to ‘putting yourself in the spotlight’
- Your CoreTalents related to marketing and sales
- A summary conclusion regarding all your strong CoreTalents.
- A conclusion and advice regarding your Core Talents in relation to burn-out (Peter Principle) and bore-out (demotivation level).
- Checklists for your strong and your small CoreTalents. With this you can check whether you focus on the use of your strong Core Talents and thus meet your needs.