Helping professionals and companies to discover talent, that is what Talentizer does in an unique way.

De is de Talentizer titel

The CoreTalent Assessment gives you a detailed insight in your CoreTalent constellation.

Based on the outcome of the assessment you can make well-founded decisions about future career steps.


Discover    Develop    Deploy

You are looking for a new challenge or have you already found one?

You are considering resigning, have you already taken that step or are you going to resign?

There has been a promotion
on your path?

You have been sick and are you
getting back to work?

You want to prevent relapse?

You are considering starting a study?

You stand for an important choice
in your personal life?

In whatever question you recognize yourself, they are all situations that offer new possibilities. It is up to you which road you choose. The Core Talent Assessment is your guiding principle. It makes clear what you naturally like to do, what challenges you, what motivates you. Which competencies you will easily develop and which will not. Your strong Core Talents are your lifelong source of positive forces from which you can draw. Your little Core Talents and some combinations indicate your limits.

“The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it”.


Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

“The most successful people start with dominant talent—and then add skills, knowledge, and practice to the mix. When they do this, the raw talent actually serves as a multiplier”. 

Tom Rath

Talentizer CoreTalent Assessment

Talents of people find their base at the time of their childhood.
What games, toys, interests & all kinds of activities did you do
as a child most like at the age between 4-12 years old?

Our unique methodology is based on 25 years on
empirical research and more than 15.000 interviews!

What makes our approach different?


We differentiate ourselves in several aspects:

  • Personal and face to face: our assessments take place in personal meetings instead of online assessments
  • Our assessment is based on the effective behavior of people during a long time in their lives and appeals to positive memories
  • Our assessment does not put people in profiles or give people colors like other assessments do.
  • Our assessments have a positive approach and show the talents of people The CoreTalent assessment gives insight in:

What you will get

We make an individual assessment and a clear report with:

  • Score of 23 Coretalents
  • Your strong CoreTalents in descending order
  • CoreTalents combined in more than 15 100% relevant clusters of CoreTalents. Amongst these clusters are ‘competitiveness, perseverance and winning’, ‘creativity, ‘structure and organization’, ‘empathetic CoreTalents and ability to adapt’, ‘autonomy and entrepreneurship’, ‘management, entrepreneurship and leadership’, ‘Playing and understanding the political games’, etc.
  • Peter principle
  • Reporting related to characteristics defined by the customer

Talentizer is based in the Netherlands.

Talentizer International offers its services tailor-made and worldwide.

You can also contact Talentizer by phone: +3185- 303 71 91

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